7 ways to be more creative & happier


Here are a few tips on how to push yourself to be more creative every day as well as being overall more happier. It's easier than you think.

1. Set yourself goals

Set goals for how much you would like to be creative. This can be daily or weekly or even monthly. For instance, this could be to do a weekly sketch or a poem.

Personally, I try to do something creative daily (writing or art).

2. Experiment, a lot

Write, draw, paint, sing, dance, cook, garden, sow, create. Whatever. Do what you feels best to express yourself. And keep exploring your creativity. Have fun. I don’t really like the phrase “connect with your inner child” I think it’s just about connecting with yourself.

3. Journal

Carry a little notebook with you, always. For example, take it out instead of your phone when you wait for the bus. Write down any thoughts and ideas, get your emotions out, and express yourself.

If you have no idea of what to write, start by describing where you are sitting, what you are looking at, the weather, and how you are feeling. Or start to doodle shapes or what you might be looking at. Anything. Just start. It's interesting where it can lead to.

4. Give yourself alone time.

Space can really help you connect with yourself. It was hard for me when I was younger and more social to give myself alone time as it meant saying no to friends or social ties, but it's extremely important to be by yourself and focus on creating, expressing and in the end, connecting with yourself. 

5. See ya later phone & social media

Put your phone away and allow yourself to be “bored”. I like to put aeroplane mode on when I’m trying to focus on creating.

6. Do nothing

It's a weird one to say, but you might be surprised by the original ideas you might get when having a bath, walking around or sitting having a coffee and just being in the moment.

7. Be kind & have fun

And please, do not put too much pressure on yourself. Focus on creating for the love of it itself and to express yourself.


Hope that was helpful! Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks and I hope you have a happy day!


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